baukasten chain no.2

250 Euro

(incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping costs)

con­cre­te neck­lace with lea­ther strap from the KVA­DRAT seri­es. this collec­tion is an intro­duc­tion to the squa­re. berg­ner­schmidt takes this geo­metric basic figu­re and pres­ents a qua­dri­la­te­ral variety.

each pro­duct is hand­ma­de and uni­que. con­cre­te is strong but sen­si­ti­ve — wear it with love and hand­le with care.

  • mate­ri­al: con­cre­te, leather 
  • weight: 170 g,
  • length: 92 cm
  • deli­very time: 10 – 14 days