concrete town

100 Euro

(incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping costs)

con­cre­te town from the HOME­WORK seri­es. this offers func­tio­n­al and shape­ly objects for home and the desk. the con­cre­te town is a hand­ma­de acces­so­ry con­sis­ting of four houses that can be used as hol­der for pens, busi­ness cards or post­cards.
each pro­duct is hand­ma­de and unique. 

  • mate­ri­al: concrete 
  • TOWER BLOCK (pen hol­der) weight: 327 g, height: 8,7 cm, width: 4,6 cm, depth: 4,8 cm
  • TOWN HOUSE (pen hol­der) weight: 262 g, height: 7,9 cm, width+depth: 4,8 cm
  • APART­MENT (busi­ness card hol­der) weight: 220 g, height: 6,2 cm, width: 4,6 cm, depth: 4,8 cm
  • COT­TA­GE (busi­ness card hol­der) weight: 180g, height: 5,7cm, width: 4,9cm, depth: 4cm 
  • deli­very time: 7 – 10 days