semicircle chain

90 Euro

(incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping costs)

neck­lace from the BOLD AND CIR­CU­LAR seri­es, with round, semicir­cu­lar and angu­lar beads of con­cre­te and wood. this collec­tion is a play­ful state­ment with a shifted cen­ter, half and who­le forms, har­mo­nious com­pa­ri­sons in size, mate­ri­al, color and no color. BOLD AND CIR­CU­LAR is a decla­ra­ti­on of love to the asym­me­try of things. 

each pro­duct is hand­ma­de and uni­que. con­cre­te is strong but sen­si­ti­ve — wear it with love and hand­le with care. 

  • colours: black, new grey
  • mate­ri­al: con­cre­te, wood, cot­ton fabric
  • weight: 46 g
  • length: 90 cm, 18 cm pendant
  • width fab­ric tape: 5 cm folded
  • deli­very time: 5 – 7 days